Database Repairing with Soft Functional Dependencies

Nofar Carmeli, Martin Grohe, Benny Kimelfeld, Ester Livshits, Muhammad Tibi

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A common interpretation of soft constraints penalizes the database for every violation of every constraint, where the penalty is the cost (weight) of the constraint. A computational challenge is that of finding an optimal subset: a collection of database tuples that minimizes the total penalty when each tuple has a cost of being excluded. When the constraints are strict (i.e., have an infinite cost), this subset is a "cardinality repair"of an inconsistent database; in soft interpretations, this subset corresponds to a "most probable world"of a probabilistic database, a "most likely intention"of a probabilistic unclean database, and so on. Within the class of functional dependencies, the complexity of finding a cardinality repair is thoroughly understood. Yet, very little is known about the complexity of finding an optimal subset for the more general soft semantics. The work described in this manuscript makes significant progress in that direction. In addition to general insights about the hardness and approximability of the problem, we present algorithms for two special cases (and some generalizations thereof): a single functional dependency, and a bipartite matching. The latter is the problem of finding an optimal "almost matching"of a bipartite graph where a penalty is paid for every lost edge and every violation of monogamy. For these special cases, we also investigate the complexity of additional computational tasks that arise when the soft constraints are used as a means to represent a probabilistic database in the case of a probabilistic unclean database.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8
JournalACM Transactions on Database Systems
Issue number2
StatePublished - 10 Apr 2024


  • Additional Key Words and PhrasesDatabase inconsistency
  • database repairs
  • functional dependencies
  • integrity constraints
  • soft constraints

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Information Systems


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