Detection of Alkylating Agents Using Optical, Electrical and Mechanical Means

Yoav Eichen, Yulia Gerchikov, Elena Borzin, Yair Gannot, Ariel Shemesh, Shai Meltzman, Carmit Hertzog-Ronen, Shay Tal, Sara Stolyarova, Yael Nemirovsky, Nir Tessler

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Alkylating agents, such as methyl iodide, dichloromethane and epichlorohydrin, are
commonly used in organic synthesis as reagents and solvents. The alkylating agents, such as
methyl bromide, are still used as soil steriliers, while nitrogen mustards are being used as
anticancer drugs. Alkylating agents are also dangerous byproducts of the water purification
process. Unfortunately, due to their ease of production and storage, those materials are also
used as chemical warfare agents. Owing to their ability to react with nucleophiles in our
body, most of these materials are toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic. The combination of
simple synthesis with aggressive reaction with biological tissues makes many alkylating
agents perfect potential chemical warfare agents for the underdogs and thus a perfect terror
inflicting weapon. Therefore, there is a clear need for simple, sensitive and informative tools
for the detection and identification of such agents, especially in the gas phase
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSensor Array
EditorsWuqiang Yang
StatePublished - 23 May 2012


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