Land use variables in trip generation models: The case of the light rail transit in Tel Aviv

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Transportation and urban land use maintain a complex, symbiotic relationship. Transportation affects land use by improving accessibility to urban functions, and the built environment affects travel through its distribution and density. It is important to explore these dynamics in order to understand the effects that determine urban and metropolitan daily travel. The main claim of this chapter is that land use characteristics account for at least some of the daily travel habits in the metropolis. Current practice in transportation demand modelling emphasises socioeconomic factors as explanatory variables for daily travel rates. Land use characteristics, however, are less considered, if at all, in such models. This chapter presents findings from a study conducted on Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations in Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area (TAMA), in which land use characteristics were explicitly included in travel generation models and forecasts. These land use variables were then tested in several land use development policies in terms of population and employment density and distribution. The analysis is organised as follows: The first part reviews the literature dealing with land use effects on urban travel trends. The general dynamics of land use and travel trends are discussed, followed by a review of land use variables-such as density and diversity, land use mix, and their impact on travel behaviour. Thereafter follows a brief overview of land use parameters involved in transportation modelling. The methodological section presents the trip-generation models and briefly describes the simulations of land use development policy scenarios for the LRT stations. The results of the estimation process and the comparison of land use policies is then presented, followed by a discussion of some key findings regarding several land use variables which seem to be especially influential in determining trip patterns. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding land use variables' ability to represent intrinsic travel demand.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRailway Development
Subtitle of host publicationImpacts on Urban Dynamics
EditorsFrank Bruinsma, Eric Pels, Hugo Priemus, Piet Rietveld, Bert van Wee
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9783790819724
StatePublished - 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance (all)
  • General Business, Management and Accounting


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