Minimum cost perfect matching with delays for two sources

Yuval Emek, Yaacov Shapiro, Yuyi Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We study a version of the online min-cost perfect matching with delays (MPMD) problem recently introduced by Emek et al. (STOC 2016). In this problem, requests arrive in a continuous time online fashion and should be matched to each other. Each request emerges from one out of n sources, with metric inter-source distances. The algorithm is allowed to delay the matching of requests, but with a cost: when matching two requests, it pays the distance between their respective sources and the time each request has waited from its arrival until it was matched. In this paper, we consider the special case of n=2 sources that captures the essence of the match-or-wait challenge (cf. rent-or-buy). It turns out that even for this degenerate metric space, the problem is far from trivial. Our results include a deterministic 3-competitive online algorithm for this problem, a proof that no deterministic online algorithm can have competitive ratio smaller than 3, and a proof that the same lower bound applies also for the restricted family of memoryless randomized algorithms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)122-129
Number of pages8
JournalTheoretical Computer Science
StatePublished - 6 Jan 2019


  • Competitive analysis
  • Min-cost perfect matching with delays
  • Online algorithms
  • Two sources

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • General Computer Science


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