Ashraf Brik


    Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
    1997 …2023

    Research activity per year

    Personal profile

    Research interests

    Organic Chemistry Applied for the Synthesis, Modifications, and Modulation of Protein Structure and Function

    Chemical and Semi-synthesis of Posttranslationally Modified Proteins.


    Posttranslational modifications of proteins play crucial roles in health and disease by affecting numerous aspects of protein structure, function, stability and sub-cellular localization...

    Studying the Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin Like Modifiers Signals Using Chemical Biology Approaches.


    Ubiquitination is the cellular process where a ubiquitin monomer, composed of 76 amino acids, or of a polyubiquitin chain are linked to a protein target,…

    Chemical Synthesis of Modified Histones.


    Packing the massive DNA polymer into a small and compact size structure within the nucleus is facilitated by nucleosomal proteins known as H2A, H2B, H3…

    Modulating the activities of enzymes and signalling proteins using Small Molecules, Peptides and Peptidomimetis.


    We are also interested in developing novel strategies to modulate various enzymes using different type of chemical entities. For example, our group is interested in…



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