BridgeSlicer: A Creative Slicer for 3D Printing Perforated Shells

Yoav Sterman, Shahar Asor, Yuval Gur, Ezri Tarazi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


BridgeSlicer is a design tool and a workflow for FDM (Fused Depositing Modelling) 3D printing to create perforated shells using bridging. Bridging is a known 3D printing technique in which the printed material is extruded and pulled in mid-air between raised geometries. Our design tool allows users to use bridging to creatively incorporate perforation patterns into 3D models by modifying the toolpath rather than the geometry of the 3D file. Users may control the hole pattern parameters like hole size, shape, density, direction, and flow. Our workflow enhances the functionality of 3D-printed objects by improving the strength-to-weight ratio and by introducing transparency, breathability, and flexibility. Additionally, it allows the printing of thin hair-line features and structures with many holes, that are challenging to print using the standard workflow. BridgeSlicer is demonstrated with a series of 3D printed samples and large-scale functional applications such as a chair seat and lampshades.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 5 Apr 2023
Event International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design: Research in Asia -
Duration: 18 Mar 202323 Mar 2023
Conference number: 28


Conference International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design
Abbreviated titleCAADRIA


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